Effective Management of Brinjal fruit and shoot borer

Brinjal fruit and shoot borer
 (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae)

Source:-Prant Protection Unit, KVK, Panisagar

Larvae bored on shoots  

Damaged fruit

Damage of terminal shoots
This pest also attacks many solanaceaus plants and occasionally on the green pods of peas also. The damage is done by caterpillars which are creamy white when young, but light pink when full grown. The adult moth is white but has a pale brown or black spots on the dorsum of the thorax and abdomen. Its wings are white with pinkish or bluish tinge and are ringed with small hair along the apical and anal margins.

Damage symptoms :

When terminal shoots are attacked, the growing points are killed.
The affected shoots are lodged down.
They bored into the fruits.
Tunnels are found in infected fruits. The larvae may be seen in the tunnel during their feeding.
The secondary infection with fungus is resulted rotting of the fruits.
        Fruits become unfit for consumption

  • Remove the affected terminal shoot showing boreholes.
  • Remove the affected fruits and destroy.
  • Avoid continuous cropping of brinjal crop
  • Grow the varieties with long and narrow fruits in endemic areas
    Maintain proper spacing and clean cultivation
    • Pheromone traps @ 5/ acre (leucilure) should be installed for monitoring and mass trapping of shoot & fruit borer Leucinodes orbonalis. Replace the lures with fresh lures after every 15-20 day interval.
Pheromone trap in Brinjal field
Pheromone traps
Pest surveillance officer visit brinjal field 
New generation water traps used in brinjal field

  • Bird perches @ 10/ acre should be erected for facilitating field visits of predatory birds.
  • Encourage the activity of larval parasitoids: Pristomerus testaceus, Cremastus flavoorbitalis
  • Try to cover the complete field with mosquito net.

Netting of outside field 

  • Apply granules at the base of the plant.
  • Apply insecticides for borer insect-pests.
  • Insecticides of same group should not be used repeatedly in order to avoid development of pesticides resistance and appearance of secondary pests.
  •  A waiting period of 7 days should be observed after the spray. 
Spray any one of following insecticides starting from one month after planting at 15 days interval