Protected Cultivation of Rose under green house condition

INTRODUCTION : Depending on the species and varieties, roses have various uses. They may be used as cut flowers, and garden plants. They may also be used in making rose oil, rose water and gulkhand. Model project is on production of roses for use as cut flowers, which have an important place in preparation of bouquets, floral arrangements, worship, social occasions and presentation of gifts. Measured in terms of volume of trade in the international market cut roses rank first in popularity. Further, with the advancement in production and marketing of cut roses and also on account of recent economic liberalisation there has been an upsurge of interest in production of cut roses in plastic green houses in India.
CLIMATE:  Plenty of light, humid and moderate temperature ranging from 150C to 280C may be considered as ideal conditions for roses in the tropical and subtropical climate of India. At temperature below 150C roses can be grown, but the interval between flushes become longer. At higher temperature, say above 300C, roses can be grown provided high humidity is maintained and evaporation is slowed down.
SOIL :Well drained soil rich in organic matter and oxygen is good for roses. Organic matter as high as 30 per cent in the top 30 cm of the growing beds is preferred by many growers. The pH of the soil should be around 6 to 6.5.
Top width – 90 cm
Bottom width – 100 cm
Height – 45 cm
Path way – 50 cm
Plant to Plant distance: 17 cm
Row to Row distance: 45 cm
PLANTING MATERIAL:  Rose plant used for plantation should be 2-3 month old and have minimum two dark green color leaves. Bud union of rose plant should not be covered with soil. It should be 2-3 cm above the ground level. The sprout coming out of the union should face towards the path at the time of plantation. Rose plants are planted in a zigzag method on the bed.

The major types of roses which are commercially important are as under:-
 Hybrid Tea Roses : These have large flowers (4 cm.) long stems (125 cm). Yield varies from 100-200 stems/sqm. Hybrid Teas fetch higher price than other types.A few well-known varieties of this group are SONIA, VIVALDI, TINEKE, MELODY, DARLING and ONLY LOVE.
 Floribunda Roses : These have small flowers (2.5 cm) and shorter stems (less than 60 cm), but yield much higher than other types. Examples of this type are FRISCO, MERCEDES, JAGUAR, KISS and FLORENCE.
 Spray Roses : A single stem of this type may carry 5-6 flowers, but stem yield per sqm is low. Important varieties belonging to the type are EVELIEN, JOY and NIKITA.
HARVESTING: Roses should attain the right stage for harvesting. If cut too early, flowers miss reserve food and therefore, may not develop into full flowers. If cut too late, longevity diminishes. As such, roses should be cut just as the buds are opening, after the sepals have almost fully curled up and the colour is fully visible. In small flowered varieties and Floribundas, the flowers are cut just when they begin to open the cluster. The cutting may be done in the evening or early morning with long stem. The lower end of cut stems are immediately placed in clean plastic buckets containing a clean solution of 500 ppm citric acid or in chrysal - RVB. Thereafter, the buckets containing cut roses are brought to the grading and packing Shed/Hall.
Harvesting stages
The rose should be cut with the help of sharp cut and hold secateurs. Ground shoot cutting should be done on 5th five pair of leaf then one or two eye buds sprout from lower leaves below the cut. These sprouts will grow into flowers in the period of 35 to 50 days. This varies from variety to variety. Later on the first harvest should be taken on 2nd or 3rd five pair of the leaves above the first cut. During summer season or when there is less leaf area on plant it is always advisable to take cut on 3rd five pair of leaves above the first cut. Always bend thin stems and take cut on 3rd five pair of leaves above the first cut. Always bend thin stems and take cut on thick stems to get strong shoots.
The regular harvesting is done on 2nd five pair of leaves. Sometimes under cutting is also practiced as it is an important technique to keep rose plants at reasonable height. Harvesting cut should be sharp and inclined direction for avoiding the deposition of water or spray solution. When the temperature is low in the green house harvesting is done only once i.e. during early morning hours. When there is high day temperature it is necessary to take second harvesting in later afternoon.
Cut stages of roses play an important role in harvesting. Cut stages of roses for export is stage 0 and 1 whereas cut stage is 2 and 3 for domestic market. 

YIELD:  Average yield of roses is 30 to 35 stem/ plant per year.