Grapes Training & Pruning

BOWER SYSTEM: In this system criss-cross network of wires is made about 2.1 x 2.4 m on the pillars with holes at 60cm apart. The vines are allowed to grow up to the height of the wires either by stacking or tying, two primary branches with three secondaries on either side are allowed to grow so that each result into twelve secondaries are developed on reaching the height of wires. Vines are then pinched off to produce side shoots. These secondaries are then produced 8-10 tertiaries to fruit or to form the fruiting canes.
KNIFFIN SYSTEM Here, 2 trellis of wires are strung supported by vertical posts. The vine is trained so that it bears 4 canes one along each wire and bearing shoots can hang freely. In this system, 2 wires are stretched horizontally at the height of 0.90m and 0.60m.height. Vines are planted at 2-4m.distance between 2 poles supported by sticks to allow single stem to grow with one arm horizontally to either side so that each arm having with the results into 4 arms.
TELEPHONE SYSTEM:  Under this system, ‘T’ trellis is used with 3 top wires on ‘T’ shaped supports which looks like a ‘Telephone pole and wires’. Here, primaries are developed to grow from the main stem. From these primaries, short secondaries of 30-45cm are developed on both the side at an irregular intervals forming an umbrella type of framework. These secondaries are developed the fruiting canes. 


 This is suitable for vigorous vines. Here, trellis are fixed in rows at a distance of 25 cm. The length of ‘Y’ is 1.2 m. The angle between two arms of ‘Y’ is 100 - 1100 and length of arm is 90 – 120 cm. Here, two rows of cordon wires are developed with a gap of 50 cm. The number of cordon can be one/two as per the choice of the grower and vigour of the vines. It is better to provide two rows of cordon in vigorous vines. Three foliage wires are run across the each sloping arm with  a gap of 30 – 35 cm. Rows of sloping arms are interconnected by a thick wire, across which run two more wires to support the foliage. Hence, under this system between the two rows, a narrow bower is formed.

CORDON SYSTEM: -Under this system of training to get better exposure of  sunlight, the vines are planted obliquely at an angle of 450. The plants are supported by wires and stretched  tightly along the direction of the rows. Here, wires are placed to a height of 0.8 – 1 m, 1.5 –1.7 m. and 2.5 – 3m. above the ground level. In the cordon system of training, generally the main trunk of the vine is allowed to developed up to a height of 3 m (i.e. position of the last wire is stretched ) which carries the fruiting spurs on attaining to the different height of the wires, either one shoot from the main trunk is trained to extend horizontally on one side of the wire trellis, i.e. unilateral horizontal  cordon or two shoots are trained to extend i.e. bilateral horizontal  cordon is developed.

GROWTH HABIT OF GRAPEVINE :  Branching habit -  ‘ Helicoid’ i.e. every alternate bud will be on one side of the cane. In a growing state, the first, third and fifth terminal buds will grow on one side, while the second, fourth and sixth buds will be grown on the opposite side of its earlier nodal growths.          

Effect of training and pruning on vine’s growth : - While trains the vine, vines are   slowly  developed to cover the whole structure of the  training system with primary, secondary and  tertiary growth of such vine branches to get a  maximum fruiting zones on canes or spurs of a  vine. It is possible through pruning and training  process followed over a period  of years. Otherwise, if the vines are not pruned properly it will remain unproductive and will produce fruiting  wood at the apical ends of the vine with few fruitlets only(it is due to Apical Dominance.)Therefore, these two cultural operations or practices are more important in viticulture.

PRUNING:-The time of pruning in grapes depends on :
(I). Type of annual growth cycle of the vine.

(II). Prevalent climatic condition of the planted area.
Pruning  A/C Climatic zones:-
 1. Temperate climate zone:- During dormant period of the vine i.e. in winter (January) Forward/winter/ Pruning for cropping.(SINGLE PRUNING FOR SINGLE CROP).
 2.  Subtropical climatic zone:-  Pruning is done like temperate zone in February – Forward/winter/ Pruning for cropping.(SINGLE PRUNING FOR SINGLE CROP).
 3. Tropical climate zone:- Vines do not undergo dormancy. It grows continuously round the year. Pruning done once a year in summer (March- April) – Foundation / Back/Growth/Summer Pruning and again in September --  November- Forward / Pruning for cropping.(DOUBLE PRUNING FOR SINGLE CROP).
4. Low latitude of winter less tropical zone:-  Temperature remains higher in all the year-round. Pruning done like Tropical climatic zone.
Manipulating of pruning practice is done here for getting 2 crops in a year.
Once in May—November and again in November– January.  (DOUBLE PRUNING FOR DOUBLE CROPS).

BUD BREAK:- In temperate climatic conditions after ‘Forward Pruning’,  treatments are given to the top buds of the pruned vines, to sprout them in a maximum way through –  1. Cane twisting, 2. Thiourea (3-4.5 %) treatment by smearing the buds, etc. are important.